Demonstration Gardens
Master Gardeners throughout South Carolina and across America engage the public with demonstration and outreach projects, promoting sound gardening practices and providing invaluable information to the gardening public of all ages. The RCMGA currently supports several ongoing projects at the Clemson Sandhill Research and Education Center. Additionally, members support efforts including plant sales, Ask-A-Master Gardener information booths at various locations, public lectures and more.
We demonstrate to the home gardener the 12 principles of the Carolina Yard, a low-impact and low-maintenance landscaping program. This garden is a certified "Carolina Yard.
Monday 8:30am-10:30am
Sandhill Children's Garden
This area offers garden-based children’s educational programs and activities through Friends of the Children’s Garden and Clemson 4-H Program. The garden is a certtified Backyard Wildlife Habitat, certified Carolina Yard and certified Carolina Fence Garden.
Wednesday 8:30am-10:30am
Compost Education Garden
The Compost Garden shows 7 different types of composters producing finished compost for RCMGA’s projects. In addition, the area contains native plants, plants for pollinators, raised beds and is a certified National Wildlife Habitat.
Monday 8am-10am
Turf Grass Education Area
This area educates the public on varieties of grasses suitable for the Midlands, maintains demonstration plots, signage and fact sheets on the Sandhill campus.