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Service to the community is core to the Master Gardener Program.

This service takes many forms, all intended to invite everyone to participate in the joys of gardening for people of all ages, to be of service on community projects, and to promote sound, research based gardening practices.

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RCMGA Outreach Efforts

The Richland County Master Gardener Association supports several ongoing and ad hoc projects and events across the county, as well as supporting the Clemson Extension Service's state-wide efforts.  

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Annual Plant Sale

Our major public event of the year is our popular annual Spring Plant Sale!

Community Service

Core to the Master Gardener mission is supporting public service projects

Young Farmer

Scholarship Opportunities

RCMGA offers scholarship opportunities for aspiring master gardeners and high school seniors pursuing ag-related fields.


Demonstration Gardens

We manage four Demonstration Gardens at Clemson's Sandhill Facility

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Education & Consulting

Master Gardeners provide public lectures and consulting one-on-one with the public about gardening

Rent A Master Gardener

A team of RCMGA Master Gardeners help you improve your landscape and answer your specific questions with research-based information.

Ask-A-Master Gardener

Our traveling information booth and our support of Clemson Extensions Hotline

Planting a Tree

Become a Master Gardener

Learn about the necessary training & how to join the RCMGA for mentoring and volunteering.

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